
Friday, October 2, 2015

We Lost a Shoe

Yep, it finally happened. We lost our first shoe on our walk this morning. The trail we usually go down is two miles out and two back. I didn't realize that the shoe was missing until we were already on our way back and didn't find it before we got to the car. I kinda hope I will come across it next week, but i'm not holding my breath.

Sadly, our walk wasn't as good as I had hoped. The little guy wasn't feeling it at all and by the time we got back to the car he was crying. We managed just under four miles. At least he was happy and cute when I got him ready to leave the house!

He has started doing this cute thing when we walk and he really wants to see something. He is still small enough that he can't reach far, but he gets the edge of the tray on the stroller and pulls himself up. I can't help but laugh overtime I see him do it.

After our walk, I decided to run to Walmart (which I actually just spelled Walkmart, but that's about right). We needed a few things for the weekend and we are planning a trip to the zoo tomorrow to explore the areas we didn't get to see last time we were there. They let you bring in food so I grabbed a random assortment of stuff to take along. 

As for my goals today, I made the muffins and they are so good. Please make them now and thank we later! I opted for mini muffins because I think they are cute and I can eat more that way. The recipe made 48 of those little bad boys, which comes in at about 37 calories each!

The laundry is done and all put away and I have started the cleaning that needs to be done. The hubby probably won't be home until late tonight so I still have plenty of time to finish that up. 

Tonight we are having pizza, and while it won't be on the grill, making one that way is something we keep talking about doing and must try before it gets too cold. That and I am also determined to make a cauliflower crust, but not on the grill! Check out these pins I found for both of these pizza dreams...

That does it for me! I have a fun and busy weekend planned and more cleaning to get to. I will be sure to fill you in on that Monday and I have one of my favorite cold weather crockpot recipes that I will be sharing too. Enjoy some time outdoors if you are having nice weather like we are here and if you aren't, I will try sending some your way!


Have you ever made a pizza on the grill? Any tips?


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